Personalized Individual Therapy Sessions

My approach to therapy is deeply rooted in the principles of decolonized therapy, and I'm passionate about helping individuals on their journey to mental wellness. I provide virtual therapy where you can relax on your couch.

I use concepts of Decolonized therapy in session, it is a perspective that acknowledges the historical and cultural contexts in which traditional therapy has been practiced. It seeks to dismantle oppressive systems and engage with clients in a way that respects their unique cultural backgrounds, identities, and experiences. I firmly believe that everyone's mental health journey is influenced by their cultural context, and my practice is committed to providing a safe and inclusive space for clients from all walks of life.

My mission is to empower you on your path to emotional well-being, offering guidance and support every step of the way. Your mental health journey is unique, and I'm here to help you navigate it with compassion and expertise.

Let's work together towards a happier, healthier you.

I specialize in a myriad of anxiety disorders including:

High-functioning anxiety: is like an invisible backpack of worries that many adults and adolescents carry. It's that constant feeling of unease, restlessness, or fear, even when everything seems to be going well. In our work together, we will explore strategies to manage this anxiety, including mindfulness techniques, stress-reduction strategies, and honoring/acknowledging systemic states that affect the nervous system. You don't have to carry that heavy backpack alone; therapy can provide the tools you need to lighten the load.

OCD: is a mental health condition characterized by intrusive and distressing thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors or rituals (compulsions) aimed at reducing that distress. I'm here to help you understand OCD, challenge irrational thoughts, and develop healthier coping mechanisms. Our therapy sessions will provide a safe space for you to identify your fears and work towards a life not controlled by obsessions and compulsions.

Postpartum OCD: Perinatal mental health is crucial, and postpartum OCD is a specific challenge that some individuals face during the postpartum period. This form of OCD is characterized by distressing and intrusive thoughts related to the baby's safety. As a perinatal mental health therapist, I specialize in supporting individuals during the perinatal period. Together, we'll explore ways to manage and alleviate postpartum OCD symptoms, allowing you to enjoy the precious moments of parenthood without constant anxiety.